Monday, March 17, 2014

Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

I am not a big fan of Virginia Woolf, so this is a big I've been putting off.  I prefer an interesting narrative to a focus on language or stream-of-consciousness type writing.  Woolf does use beautiful language and is very creative in her expressions, but it just isn't my style. 

Mrs. Dalloway is a look at the lives of a few people during the 1920's during a brief time period (not even a whole day).  These characters include Mrs. Dalloway and her surrounding characters as well as the unrelated Septimus and his wife and a few others.  Their thoughts compose the majority of the story, and I must say they think differently than I ever do!  My thoughts are more linear and conversational in nature than those of the characters in this book.  Of course, that's what Woolf likes and tries to do.

It is actually a fairly easy book to read in that it isn't very long, although the language is more challenging than a straight narrative style.  It isn't worth the time unless you're a lover of this type of book.

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