Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth

I made the choice not to read this book, but since it on the Modern Library's list of 100 best books I wanted to include something about it on this blog.  I couldn't find it at my local library, so I looked it up online to see where I could get it.

After seeing some of the information available about it, I decided it wasn't a book I wanted to read.  It was widely considered to be pornographic when it was first published, which I never consider to be a good sign.  The narrative device is a man speaking to his counselor because then the author can say anything with the idea that coarse language and shameful secrets fit in that situation.  (Roth has specifically said that some of his choices would just be "obscene" in any other context, but for me the context doesn't change obscenity into acceptable language.  There was specific mention of detailed descriptions of masturbation including using a piece of liver.)  It is definitely not my scene, so I made the choice to skip this book on my journey through the lists of best books.

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