Friday, April 12, 2013

Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

This is a charming book.  It is sub-titled "A Proper Romance," and it certainly is.  Donaldson is a fan of Austen and Heyer, and it comes through in her writing.  (Not that I would ever compare anyone to the great Jane Austen, but you can tell she's a fan.)  This book tells the Regency-era story of Marianne Daventry, who has been sent to live with her grandmother in Bath following the death of her mother.  She is completely bored there and is tired of dealing with an amorous, slobbery, middle-aged man.  She accepts an invite to spend time with her twin sister at an estate at the invitation of an old friend of her mother's.  A mishap with a highwayman on the way there starts a romantic adventure (Don't worry.  It isn't so cliche as to be with the highwayman!) that is both clever and clean.  The dialogue is modernized and the plot is quicker than an actual Regency story if you find Austen and Heyer too "old-fashioned."  (I never could, but I know some people do!)  It was a pretty quick read that was definitely worth the time.  I enjoyed it so much I stayed up way too late and read it in one sitting!

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