Sunday, April 28, 2013

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Dickens is always lengthy and wordy, so it takes a pretty big time commitment to get through one of his novels.  Great Expectations isn't my favorite but it is good.  I don't like the heroine in the story, which is probably why it isn't my favorite.  If you don't dislike Estella, this could easily be one of your favorite Dickens books.  The hero, Pip, has some really whiny moments when it's hard to like or even understand him.  I'm sure some of that is his reactions belong in a different time and society situation that we don't understand in this day and age.  As usual for Dickens, there are many fabulous side characters including the marvelously memorable Miss Haversham.

It is an enjoyable read and is very well written but be prepared to spend a lot of time because it takes a long time to get through it.

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